Friday, December 30, 2005

The Right Vision for the Nevada

I have spoken to many conservative Nevadans who have simply lost the zeal for voting and making a difference.

We ARE different. We are as different when compared to the other States of The Union as The Colonies were to Jolly Old England! We must remain DIFFERENT!

We in the State of Nevada have been known as having the least amount of regulation, the least amount of taxes and the most freedom. That is the reason; so many people are still flocking to our state. I am dedicated to giving people hope in our state, hope that we will not become like the other states, hope that we will remain different. I will fight to repeal two bad laws for every new bill I bring to the floor of the Assembly. I will fight to keep Nevada from becoming an entitlement state like California. It has been said that when people discover that they can vote themselves a raise from the public treasury, that it is the beginning of the end of the American experiment. Well I am depending on true Nevadans to resist the trend of the nation. Many states in The Union are on the brink of bankruptcy because they continually vote themselves pay raises. We must keep the majority of the money in this state in the hands of business owners, because that is how more people stay employed and prosperous.

The fantasy of the left is that the government will provide everything anyone could ever need. The danger in the government providing for all need is that any government big enough to provide anything is also big enough to take anything away. The reality is that there are basically three groups of people, those who are dependent on the government who think that the government can do no wrong, those who are working their butts off to make ends meet and to pay the way for those dependent on the government, and then those who are financially independent. I am writing this for those Nevadans and Americans who are working their butts off to make ends meet and to pay the way for those dependent on government. There is no free lunch and those dependent on the government to pay their lunch are actually dependent on those working their butts off. I am to keep more money in the pockets of those working to make ends meet. I aim to keep more money in the pockets of the producers. I truly believe that individuals and not governments know the best use for their money. Nobody deserves money like those who work for it.

For those of you who work hard for every dollar you earn, I am here to fight for you to keep it. The vision for the future of Nevada does not belong to the liberals or the wishy-washy Harry Reid Republicans, it belongs to Nevadans and Americans who work and earn for their families. The future vision of Nevada and the United States belongs to those who believe in an ownership society and not an entitlement society. I will go on the record everyday as the one who fights for those who earned it rather than those who received it from the government. Those of you who work and earn daily, do not lose faith. Continue to vote. Many conservatives have told me that they find it difficult to continue voting or urging others to vote when those who get into office are just voting for tax increases and more regulation. I tell you that the tide is changing. I feel great positive change coming about. I used to think that I was the only one who thought this way, but I am finding that we are not alone. In fact, we are the majority. If you shout at your television nightly, we are on the same side. Don’t give up. Get out and take action!

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