I am very encouraged at how the Internet has influenced the ability of individuals to circumvent the ability of big organizations to “feed” news in a certain slanted way to consumers. I have personal friends who are now serving in harms way in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have had some candid views of their perspective on the ground.
That perspective is quite different than what is projected by establishment media. Now you can get direct access to information straight from the War on Terror. Military personnel have started something that is a new phenomenon…”Milblogging.” The interesting thing is that the military leadership still allows these military blogs to exist even though there are potential dangers. One of the biggest dangers is that of violating OPSEC or operational security that may allow our enemies to take advantage of exposed information that they would not normally be able to access. I was a military commander but at that time did not have to consider a decision on how to handle military blogs since they didn’t exist. Considering milblogs now, I like the fact that troops are able to communicate with the public directly. I would put some supervision on it to protect my units from danger, but I think now as I thought then that the average soldier out there is concious and intelligent enough not to put himself or his fellow soldiers in danger by releasing unauthorized information. The supervision is really for the exceptions (they exist in every unit) who do not use good judgement in disclosing information.
I love the entries that can be accessed directly by anyone willing to put forth the effort to research source material to make informed decisions on issues. Right now “Big Media” regergitates a babyfood version of the facts massaged to render the flavor and texture to further the agenda of the owner or controller of that particular media outlet. I have always pursued the source materials when making a desision on an issue. I wish there were more people out there that would do the same. I think more people should read the source documents which founded the United States. The U.S. Constitution is very readable and straightforward. Too many now use the multitude of opionions rendered by countless lawyers to form their ideas on what is constitutional now. Read the source of it all and form your own opinion!
I remember when the Internet was blossoming in the late 1990’s and having discussions with people as to whether the Internet would be an avenue toward more liberation , or if it would be used to dominate and repress people under the government boot. I think thus far, the Internet has been a liberator. I was following the story of the United Nations trying to gain administrative control of the Internet from the United States and I am very happy that as of now the UN has been unsuccessful.
On to some milblogs. One I recommend you check out is at http://www.mudvillegazette.com/ and see the directness one can find out there. The quote on the banner on the top recounts an adage many a combat soldier has heard and repeated, “Good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”
The media elites should truely reflect on this statement as they denegrate the U.S. military. A recent effort to emotionally demoralize American military families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons perpetrated by MoveOn.org was debunked by the sharp eyes of some soldiers who realized that the soldiers shown in the propagandized advert were wearing British uniforms. The milbloggers spread the word like wildfire to the point that it reached mainstream media and squelched the intended effects of the definitely anti-American ad put forth by Soros-and-the-gang. The milbloggers are even debunking statements made by a member of our own Congress who said our army is broken and living hand to mouth. One blogger lamented that it is Congress that is broken, but alas NOT living hand to mouth.
I urge everyone to peruse the many military blogs sprouting up and make comments on them. The interactive nature of online content is the reason why print media will continue to move from paper to cyberspace.
Read more on NewsMax.com article here.
Richard Disney is a former U.S. Army Captain and is running for the Nevada State Assembly.
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