Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Disney to Repeal Two Bad Laws for Each New One

Posted on BattleBornNews.com Tuesday 27 December 2005

In the taping session of “Nevada Newsmakers” scheduled to air on January 2, 2006, I was asked by Randi Thompson what my campaign issues were. I responded that my main campaign promise is to repeal two bad laws for every new bill I bring to the floor. I ended my response by saying to Sam Shad and Randi Thompson, “…I’ll bet you have never heard a candidate say that before!” Randi replied without hesitation, “…of course I have…candidates say that all the time!” or words to that effect.

Hindsight as they say is twenty-twenty. If I had it to do over again, I would ask her to mention one example. I could use the help! My reason for making the repeal of two laws for every new law I propose my number one issue is to illustrate that most if not all politicians I have heard speak talk about all the new laws they will pass for their constituents. I think that legislatures across America have become law factories. We don’t need more laws on the books. We have plenty of regulations and laws but as Winston Churchill said, “You can have 10,000 regulations and still not have respect for the law.” I think the greatest job I can do for my constituents is to resist new laws meant to restrict them and repeal law that restrict them now.

I was asked to name some bad laws that I would repeal. I could have filled the entire program with examples of bad laws which should be repealed. There are so many to choose from! The two examples of bad laws I was able to mention before the discussion was pushed onward were the state portion of the gasoline tax and Senate Bill 8 which created the largest tax increase in Nevada’s history. I don’t think most people realize it, but we in Nevada pay the second highest state gasoline tax in the nation and with $800 million plus dollar surplus, we can eliminate the state portion of the gas tax. I agree with Don Gustafson and Sharron Angle when in 2003 they said the tax increase was unnecessary. Senate Bill 8 increased taxes in Nevada by more than $800 million dollars. Now we have a surplus well over $800 million dollars. See any correlation here?

How many taxes have you ever seen that were eliminated? I for one can’t think of any. Even so called “temporary” taxes that are imposed to fix potholes left in the streets of Washoe County after the flood of 1996 are still on the books! I for one am willing to fight to keep more money in the pockets of Nevada Taxpayers. It has gotten to the point where government bureaucrats think that money in your pockets is just government revenue that has not been harvested yet. I will not pretend that there are any legislators or candidates that are like minded with me on the subject of repealing bad laws and eliminating taxes. If you know of anyone who supports me in these ideas, please let me know. We could all use the help!

Richard Disney served as a captain in the U.S. Army and is a candidate for Nevada Assembly District 26.

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