Saturday, December 31, 2005

Disney Echoes Vegas Review Journal

Disney Echoes Vegas Review Journal
Posted on Saturday 31 December 2005

Today the Las Vegas Review Journal published a story stating what I have said for months; that I will fight to repeal two bad laws for every new bill I propose on the floor of the Nevada Assembly. It is refreshing to think that I am promoting an idea that is getting so much coverage on a state level in the preceding days and weeks.

I think it is uplifting that the idea of eliminating two old laws for every new one is being promoted by the editorial staff of the Las Vegas Review Journal. Too bad it was an editorial staff piece so we cannot see the individual author. I would like to shake the author’s hand. As the first legislative candidate to promise a repeal of two bad laws for every new bill, I applaud the article. I am not surprised that they did not tie my name to the concept. I just wish they would have identified another source in the wilderness trumpeting a great idea, because the other source for ideas on smaller government is on this very site.

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