Monday, December 19, 2005

Harry Reid thinks he is in the House of Lords!

Harry Reid thinks he is in the House of Lords!

Posted on Monday 19 December 2005

I have warned people to beware of Harry Reid Republicans because they supported a man who thinks he is a lord of the manor looking down upon us, the lowly commoners. A very revealing comment was heard from our own senior Nevada Senator as he threatened to filibuster the defense appropriation bill that includes an Alaska drilling provision and to block all of President Bush’s pending nominations.

Harry Reid said, “We’ve become like the House of Commons. Whoever has the most votes wins. It hasn’t worked that way in 216 years.”

House and Senate negotiators have agreed on a year-end legislative package that must be pretty good. The measure I am using to say that the legislative package is good is the anger being thrown at it by Harry Reid. As a Nevadan, I want to throw a light on the attitude Harry Reid has. Harry Reid has always been this way, but it is only in the limelight of being the Senate Minority Leader that he is being exposed for what he really is: a liberal, partisan, elitist.

Harry Reid claims to be “Independent Like Nevada”. That is a false statement. Harry Reid is so close to his allies like, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton that he is not independent at all. Harry Reid definitely does not reflect the values of Nevada. There are many people that even voted for Harry Reid that now cannot believe many of the things coming out of Sen. Reid’s mouth. I know people from other states who admire Nevada from afar as one of the last free states in the nation and ask me how a great state such as ours elected an embarrassment like Harry Reid to represent us. I can only shake my head and tell them that I am dedicated to keeping it from happening again!

I am angered everytime I hear Harry Reid claim that he speaks for all Nevadans. Sen. Reid needs to start talking like a Nevadan instead of a partisan “inside the beltway” Liberal before he claims to speak for Nevadans again.

The advertisements sponsored by the Harry Reid campaign in the last election talked about the kid who grew up in Searchlight, Nevada where everyone called him “Pinky”. Harry Reid’s repeated statements and actions have exposed his true colors.

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