Saturday, December 31, 2005
Disney Echoes Vegas Review Journal
Posted on Saturday 31 December 2005
Today the Las Vegas Review Journal published a story stating what I have said for months; that I will fight to repeal two bad laws for every new bill I propose on the floor of the Nevada Assembly. It is refreshing to think that I am promoting an idea that is getting so much coverage on a state level in the preceding days and weeks.
I think it is uplifting that the idea of eliminating two old laws for every new one is being promoted by the editorial staff of the Las Vegas Review Journal. Too bad it was an editorial staff piece so we cannot see the individual author. I would like to shake the author’s hand. As the first legislative candidate to promise a repeal of two bad laws for every new bill, I applaud the article. I am not surprised that they did not tie my name to the concept. I just wish they would have identified another source in the wilderness trumpeting a great idea, because the other source for ideas on smaller government is on this very site.
The 65 Percent Solution
Posted by Chuck Muth on Saturday 31 December 2005
Patrick Byrne, founder of, is leading a national effort to require that at least 65 percent of money spent on education actually goes into, get this…classrooms. Several states are already considering “First Class Education” ( ballot initiatives, with the goal to have such a requirement in place in all 50 states by 2008.
The national average for in-classroom spending, according to figures compiled by the federal government’s National Center for Education Statistics, is 61 percent. Supporters of the proposal estimate that if the 65 percent requirement was in place in every state, an additional $14 billion would be available for teachers and kids. “That’s enough to buy every K-12 student in America a desktop computer or to hire 300,000 more teachers at a starting salary of $40,000 a year,” First Class Education maintains. “Most states would add hundreds of millions of dollars each year to the classroom. All of this without a tax increase!”
The idea has already been embraced by Republican Texas Gov. Rick Perry and Democrat Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, as well as Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell - in addition to national conservative leaders such as Grover Norquist of Americans for Tax Reform and my old boss, David Keene, over at the American Conservative Union. Indeed, who could possibly argue with the idea of putting more money into classrooms without a tax increase?
The unions, of course.
Kay Coles of the National Education Association told Roll Call that the teachers union is “certainly letting our members know that it’s a bad public policy.” The NEA complains that First Class Education doesn’t increase spending, but “rearranges it.” And the administrators union is even more opposed, since money redirected to the classroom would likely mean cut-backs on unnecessary dues-paying non-teachers who seem to pop up and grow like weeds in every school district around the country.
Richard Disney, a Republican assembly candidate in District 26 (Washoe County), has already announced that, if elected, he’ll propose First Class Education legislation which would require that 65 cents of every education dollar in Nevada be kept in the classroom. It would be nice to see all of the state’s gubernatorial and legislative candidates, Republican and Democrat alike, endorse this proposal in their own campaigns.
It’s for the children, after all.
Friday, December 30, 2005
The Right Vision for the Nevada
We ARE different. We are as different when compared to the other States of The Union as The Colonies were to Jolly Old England! We must remain DIFFERENT!
We in the State of Nevada have been known as having the least amount of regulation, the least amount of taxes and the most freedom. That is the reason; so many people are still flocking to our state. I am dedicated to giving people hope in our state, hope that we will not become like the other states, hope that we will remain different. I will fight to repeal two bad laws for every new bill I bring to the floor of the Assembly. I will fight to keep Nevada from becoming an entitlement state like California. It has been said that when people discover that they can vote themselves a raise from the public treasury, that it is the beginning of the end of the American experiment. Well I am depending on true Nevadans to resist the trend of the nation. Many states in The Union are on the brink of bankruptcy because they continually vote themselves pay raises. We must keep the majority of the money in this state in the hands of business owners, because that is how more people stay employed and prosperous.
The fantasy of the left is that the government will provide everything anyone could ever need. The danger in the government providing for all need is that any government big enough to provide anything is also big enough to take anything away. The reality is that there are basically three groups of people, those who are dependent on the government who think that the government can do no wrong, those who are working their butts off to make ends meet and to pay the way for those dependent on the government, and then those who are financially independent. I am writing this for those Nevadans and Americans who are working their butts off to make ends meet and to pay the way for those dependent on government. There is no free lunch and those dependent on the government to pay their lunch are actually dependent on those working their butts off. I am to keep more money in the pockets of those working to make ends meet. I aim to keep more money in the pockets of the producers. I truly believe that individuals and not governments know the best use for their money. Nobody deserves money like those who work for it.
For those of you who work hard for every dollar you earn, I am here to fight for you to keep it. The vision for the future of Nevada does not belong to the liberals or the wishy-washy Harry Reid Republicans, it belongs to Nevadans and Americans who work and earn for their families. The future vision of Nevada and the United States belongs to those who believe in an ownership society and not an entitlement society. I will go on the record everyday as the one who fights for those who earned it rather than those who received it from the government. Those of you who work and earn daily, do not lose faith. Continue to vote. Many conservatives have told me that they find it difficult to continue voting or urging others to vote when those who get into office are just voting for tax increases and more regulation. I tell you that the tide is changing. I feel great positive change coming about. I used to think that I was the only one who thought this way, but I am finding that we are not alone. In fact, we are the majority. If you shout at your television nightly, we are on the same side. Don’t give up. Get out and take action!
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Hurray for the Pack Patriot!
After reading the latest issue of the Pack Patriot, I am enthusiastic about the future of conservatism! The Pack Patriot is published each month by the University of Nevada College Republicans and is a needed voice of opposition on a campus saturated by liberal voices. With a combination of witty irreverent humor and sometimes shocking photos, the journalists of the Pack Patriot expose the conformist liberals to a good dose of reality.
For the last 20 years the easiest way to “go-along-to-get-along” on college campuses has been to follow the herd mentality and support the “in” liberal cause of the day or simply to be silent. I am glad to see a vocal group in opposition to the conformist liberal establishment at UNR. I agree with George Higgins, the leader of the self described “Kickass College Republicans”, that,”Nevada elections in 2006 will be won at the grassroots level.” George describes the College Republicans as “the army for conservative ideology on our campuses.” With the establishment of the Pack Patriot, that army now has a loud trumpet.
With a readership in excess of 2,500 monthly and growing, college professors and administrators have had to tone down the blatantly socialist rhetoric and at least consider their positions more carefully. Even if professors keep up their indoctrination attempts, at least now students have a way to voice an opposing view in a public forum. An example of an issue that has been aired out, is the blatantly unconstitutional speech code imposed on UNR students. The university administrators imposed “free speech zones” near the center of campus and acted like they supported free speech. Any thinking person knows of course that if a small zone is imposed where people can freely express themselves then by default the rest of the entire campus is a “non-free-speech-zone.” Becoming a college student does not suspend one’s Constitutional rights.
I am encouraged about the future of Nevada when I consider these students who are motivated to be active and vocal. As George said, “These conservative students are America’s future leaders.”
I highly encourage you to support the UNR College Republicans and the Pack Patriot both morally and financially!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Disney to Repeal Two Bad Laws for Each New One
In the taping session of “Nevada Newsmakers” scheduled to air on January 2, 2006, I was asked by Randi Thompson what my campaign issues were. I responded that my main campaign promise is to repeal two bad laws for every new bill I bring to the floor. I ended my response by saying to Sam Shad and Randi Thompson, “…I’ll bet you have never heard a candidate say that before!” Randi replied without hesitation, “…of course I have…candidates say that all the time!” or words to that effect.
Hindsight as they say is twenty-twenty. If I had it to do over again, I would ask her to mention one example. I could use the help! My reason for making the repeal of two laws for every new law I propose my number one issue is to illustrate that most if not all politicians I have heard speak talk about all the new laws they will pass for their constituents. I think that legislatures across America have become law factories. We don’t need more laws on the books. We have plenty of regulations and laws but as Winston Churchill said, “You can have 10,000 regulations and still not have respect for the law.” I think the greatest job I can do for my constituents is to resist new laws meant to restrict them and repeal law that restrict them now.
I was asked to name some bad laws that I would repeal. I could have filled the entire program with examples of bad laws which should be repealed. There are so many to choose from! The two examples of bad laws I was able to mention before the discussion was pushed onward were the state portion of the gasoline tax and Senate Bill 8 which created the largest tax increase in Nevada’s history. I don’t think most people realize it, but we in Nevada pay the second highest state gasoline tax in the nation and with $800 million plus dollar surplus, we can eliminate the state portion of the gas tax. I agree with Don Gustafson and Sharron Angle when in 2003 they said the tax increase was unnecessary. Senate Bill 8 increased taxes in Nevada by more than $800 million dollars. Now we have a surplus well over $800 million dollars. See any correlation here?
How many taxes have you ever seen that were eliminated? I for one can’t think of any. Even so called “temporary” taxes that are imposed to fix potholes left in the streets of Washoe County after the flood of 1996 are still on the books! I for one am willing to fight to keep more money in the pockets of Nevada Taxpayers. It has gotten to the point where government bureaucrats think that money in your pockets is just government revenue that has not been harvested yet. I will not pretend that there are any legislators or candidates that are like minded with me on the subject of repealing bad laws and eliminating taxes. If you know of anyone who supports me in these ideas, please let me know. We could all use the help!
Richard Disney served as a captain in the U.S. Army and is a candidate for Nevada Assembly District 26.
Monday, December 19, 2005
Harry Reid thinks he is in the House of Lords!
Posted on Monday 19 December 2005
I have warned people to beware of Harry Reid Republicans because they supported a man who thinks he is a lord of the manor looking down upon us, the lowly commoners. A very revealing comment was heard from our own senior Nevada Senator as he threatened to filibuster the defense appropriation bill that includes an Alaska drilling provision and to block all of President Bush’s pending nominations.
Harry Reid said, “We’ve become like the House of Commons. Whoever has the most votes wins. It hasn’t worked that way in 216 years.”
House and Senate negotiators have agreed on a year-end legislative package that must be pretty good. The measure I am using to say that the legislative package is good is the anger being thrown at it by Harry Reid. As a Nevadan, I want to throw a light on the attitude Harry Reid has. Harry Reid has always been this way, but it is only in the limelight of being the Senate Minority Leader that he is being exposed for what he really is: a liberal, partisan, elitist.
Harry Reid claims to be “Independent Like Nevada”. That is a false statement. Harry Reid is so close to his allies like, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton that he is not independent at all. Harry Reid definitely does not reflect the values of Nevada. There are many people that even voted for Harry Reid that now cannot believe many of the things coming out of Sen. Reid’s mouth. I know people from other states who admire Nevada from afar as one of the last free states in the nation and ask me how a great state such as ours elected an embarrassment like Harry Reid to represent us. I can only shake my head and tell them that I am dedicated to keeping it from happening again!
I am angered everytime I hear Harry Reid claim that he speaks for all Nevadans. Sen. Reid needs to start talking like a Nevadan instead of a partisan “inside the beltway” Liberal before he claims to speak for Nevadans again.
The advertisements sponsored by the Harry Reid campaign in the last election talked about the kid who grew up in Searchlight, Nevada where everyone called him “Pinky”. Harry Reid’s repeated statements and actions have exposed his true colors.
Friday, December 16, 2005
Support the Disney First Class Education Initiative!
Posted on Friday 16 December 2005
I am fully supporting the First Class Education Initiative for Nevada. I will be activly working to make sure that 65 cents of every dollar in the education budget goes to the classroom to benefit our children and teachers. This initiative will bring a huge increase to money going to classrooms without a tax increase. Visit NICPAC for more details.
Help me get this initiative through to make sure money goes directly to Nevada classrooms!
Richard Disney served as a captain in the U.S. Army. Now a Reno based businessman, he is running for Nevada’s 26th Assembly District nested in Washoe County.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Freedom Loving People of Nevada; Speak!
Posted on Wednesday 14 December 2005
Conservatives of Nevada both North and South, we must all speak out and save our beloved state from turning into California! Clark County is growing rapidly and becoming more and more liberal. That is the perception anyway. I know there are many conservatives in Clark County but you are being drowned out by the louder liberals. Many people (probably the majority) come to Nevada to escape the oppresive tax laws and regulations of their former states and the impression for most newcomers is that Nevada is a bastion of conservative limited government. Unfortunately many Nevadans, new and old are fixated on creating new benefits and entitlements that the state government provides. Then when it comes to taking the tax money from working Nevadans to pay for all of these added benefits people want to tax “not you, not me, but the one behind the tree.” Don’t bring your former state’s policies to Nevada. Don’t turn Nevada into California!
A quotation that is a big warning for Nevadans while we still have time to turn back from the abyss is the following:
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess of the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship…. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from great courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; from dependency back again to bondage.”
—Sir Alex Fraser Tytler, 1799Sir Alex Fraser Tytler (1742-1813) was a Scottish jurist and historian, he was widely known in his time and was professor of Universal History at Edinburgh University in the late 18th century.
Nevadans new and old take head. We are somewhere in the apathetic zone about to tilt over the cliff into dependence on the state and is seems most legislators and other government types are greasing the skids.
We need for every Nevadan that believes that the money in our pockets is NOT part of the Nevada treasury that has not been forcably harvested yet to speak out, write or call your legislators and tell them to maintain Nevada’s reputation as “The Last Free State.” Don’t vote for candidates that promise that they will bring more pork to your district. The best service any politician can give you is to leave you and your money alone!
This is one of my favorite quotes, and it is by Will Rogers, “The only time a man’s life, liberty and property are safe, is when Congress is NOT in session.” That also applies to the Nevada Legislature. I think the fact that the Nevada Legislature meets only 120 days every other year is the main reason we have not yet slid down greased ramp of socialism like California.
I see three main groups of people in Nevada or any state, and they are:
-People dependent on government programs. These people think the government can do no wrong as long as they get their check.
-People working hard to make ends meet AND pay the way for those dependent on government programs. These people are working so hard, they don’t have (or make) time to get involved in public policy.
-People who make enough passive money that they can get involved in public policy on a full or part time basis. Unfortunately this sector is heavily populated by limosine liberals and “Harry Reid Republicans” who don’t mind making more citizens dependent on government programs because it increases their power and influence over the citizenry.
To hold the line of economic freedom from government dependency, people in the middle group must raise their voice and be heard before it is too late. We have unprecidented communications today and because of our remaining capitalistic society, the newest technology is available to the masses. Use it!
Take a few minutes a day to protect what you have!
How many people out there are wearing a shirt with another man’s name on it? Spend at least as much time cheering for you and your family as you do for some sports star that pays a lot of money for security to keep you away!
To protect your own life, liberty and property you must become more active.
I sense a rising tide of Nevadans who are fed up with the continual growth of government and the encroachment of government into our private lives. Just by the growth of this and other columns, I know that more people are becoming involved. I realize that as you read these words, I am probably preaching to the choir. I tell you that now and in the future, just reading what like minded people have to say is not enough! We must all speak out and convince more people to become active conservatives. Demand that your representatives uphold the values of Lower Taxes, Less Government Regulation and Family Values. Especially tell “Harry Reid Republicans” who have strayed away from core conservative values that they will be held accountable for their actions at the ballot box.
Richard Disney served as a Captain in the U.S. Army. His service includes Operation Promote Liberty in Panama and Operation Joint Endeavor in Bosnia. Now a Reno based businessman, he is running for Nevada’s 26th Assembly District nested in Washoe County.
Iraq Voting Going Smoothly, Large Turnout
A.D. in Basra for Pajamas Media
BREAKING AT 6:45am Pacific, by Mohammed of Iraq The Model for Pajamas Media:
Mr. A’adil al-Lami, a chief official in the IECI announced a few minutes ago that voting time will be extended for another hour (till 6 pm) in every polling center where there are many people still standing in lines when the original closing time of 5 pm was reached. Mr. Lami confirmed that there have been some major violations in Kirkuk but most of them taken care of and corrected. No official figures on turnout till now but it is believed to be higher than that of January.
The residents of Basra rushed to the polling centers in great numbers from the early hours of the morning in spite of the thick fog that engulfed the city.We were waiting at the gate of center #932 from 6:30 and it took us a long time to get inside because of the strict security checks. The gate opened exactly at 7 and we were let in but we have learned that there were only certain centers where journalists were allowed to enter.Anyway, the voting process is going on quietly and without complications and we noticed that the station was filled with representatives from various political parties observing the process and watching for any possible violations.There was also strong presence for people from civil society organizations who monitored the procedures of sealing the boxes and recorded the serial numbers of the seals and stamps.Dr. Mohammed Qasim, the manager of the center expects the turnout to be even higher in the afternoon and he highlighted the skills and good training of the officials working with him.I have talked to a number of the voters who were glad to find the polling centers operate in a high level of organization and transparency.The security forces are doing a fine job securing the areas around the 300 polling centers in Basra and there are no reports on incidents of interference with the voting and until now there are no reports on any terror attacks or electoral violations in Basra.One can feel the good security situation when he sees people walking in masses down the streets flying Iraqi flags and chanting for democracy in Iraq.
UPDATED at 6:40AM Pacific:
More and more people are going to the polling centers and the turnout levels have exceeded 84% in some centers. For example in the center that lies in al-Khaleej district, as of 3 pm more than 2650 voters did vote out of 3190 registered total voters for this particular center. The overall turnout is estimated at around 75% in the province.The process is taking place in a democratic and peaceful environment and there are apparently no pressures from political parties on the voters.It has been noticed that some people who live far away from their designated voting centers had a problem in reaching those centers so they asked the officials in the local IECI office to allow them to vote in other near centers; they got no positive response until now because of the strict regulations of the IECI that do not allow people to vote in any place other than the ones they’re originally registered at.
Read more.
Mayor Marv Teixeira Joins RINO Club...
Posted on Wednesday 14 December 2005
…I hereby nominate the “honorable” Mayor of Carson City, Marv Teixeira as a promising member of the “Harry Reid Republican” ilk.
Mayor Marv Teixeira, one of the Carson School Board “cheerleaders”, seems to have signed on with the wrong party. With a simple search on Google it quickly becomes clear that the alleged Republican prefers the left when it comes to just about ANY political decision he makes.
It took me about 10 minutes to load up on some quotes from various sources that pretty much sum up my point for me.
“It is important to send a united message to the rest of the country that Nevadans, Republicans and Democrats alike will stand up for Senator Reid.”
“Senator Reid enjoys wide bi-partisan support across this state from Elko to Laughlin. Regardless of party affiliation, the Senator always makes the interests of Nevada his top priority.”– Nevada State Democrats
Regarding eminent domain…
Carson City Mayor Marv Teixeira said Tuesday that eminent domain is a last resort used judiciously for the right reason and it should work out to be a “win-win for both parties.”- Nevada Appeal
[So let me get this straight… according to Mayor Teixeira it can reach a point where eminent domain can be used to steal someone’s property? I mean after all we are talking about using it for commercial purposes right?]
“Some people will hold up an issue strictly for greed. It’s happened before, and it will happen again, but we will look at eminent domain only as a last resort.”- RGJ
[This one cracks me up! As if stealing a man’s property for profit is not greedy…]
Now these are just a few, but you get the idea.
Last night at the Carson School Board meeting Mayor Teixeira dragged us through an ensemble of praises and complements for Superintendent Dr. Pierczynski. The problem isn’t that he stood up for what he believes, the problem is that he believes Carson High School’s failure, at one point or another, to teach students History to the fullest extent is not important enough to demand further investigation. Current evidence indicates it is very possible the school was not teaching antebellum History. Mayor, what part of that do you not understand?
Surely the Carson Mayor deserves a seat in the Harry Reid Publican Club as a part of his “esteemed legacy”.
Eric Odom
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Iraqi Voter to Anti War Bunch: "Go to Hell"
Posted on Wednesday 14 December 2005
"Anybody who doesn’t appreciate what America has done and President Bush, let them go to hell"
– Iraqi Citizen, voter Betty Dawisha
Watershed Vote in Iraq, Big Media Quiet
Posted on Tuesday 13 December 2005
As we focus on the Christmas Holiday, a watershed event is about to occur in Iraq. The Iraqi people will be voting for the first time under their new constitution. This will be the first constitutionally elected government that Iraq has ever seen and other than Israel, the only one in the Middle East. The strange thing about this is that “Big Media” is surprisingly quiet. They seem to be actually waiting and seeing instead of jumping to early, biased, pessimistic conclusions.
A Constitutional Republic in Iraq is a huge victory for the United States and its allies in the war on terror. I have not heard as much of “Big Media” spreading the typical gloom and doom like they did in previous Iraqi voting periods. Maybe Big Media is starting to shy away from the literary beatings they have been taking from the blogosphere. I think that Big Media is still so “head-in-the-sand” about blogs and the effect blogs have, that they know they are being taken to task for being severely biased and regularly wrong but they continue to be taken by surprise. Often, the Big Media outlets are not upset about being wrong, they are much more upset about being CAUGHT being wrong.
Now even the most obviously biased news networks are passing the information that it is expected that upwards of 90% of the Iraqi population is expected to vote and that the atmosphere is positive about the election and the future. Big Media has been so consistent in their negative message that they have convinced large segments of America, the country known for optimism, that we are not winning the war and things are looking dim. Iraqis who have a first hand perspective on current events in their country are bursting with optimism. This is probably the first time many Iraqis have experienced polls where they are actually ASKED how they feel about something. Instead of being told what to think they are being asked. Saddam did not take polls to see how happy his people were.
I predict that the voting will go smoothly with a few terrorist disruptions as it did during the previous Iraqi votes. Predictably, Big Media will report heavily on the few attacks and not produce the headlines they SHOULD. Headlines should read, “Terrorist Resort to Carbombing as Last Ditch Effort Against Vote”, or “Bombings Ineffective in Influencing Vote.” We can “SHOULD” Big Media all day without having effect. We can HOPE big media will change for the better, but as we said in the Army, “Hope is not a meathod.” I think we are undergoing several paradigm shifts at the same time and one of them is that Blogs will have as big an impact on an individual’s ability to gather, control and distribute information as did the printing press with movable block type. Don’t hope Big Media changes, make it change by gathering information from source documents and alternate news outlets and hold Big Media accountable!
Monday, December 12, 2005
The Code of Conduct
I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.
If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.
Should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies.
I will never forget that I am an American fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.
The Code of Conduct applies to the U.S. Armed Forces at all times. One would hope that former members of the military would remember even a small portion of "The Code". Many civilians don't realize the commitment and oath taken by the military.
Here the Code of Conduct is here for all to see. While we have soldiers and marines fighting around the world to protect our freedom and way of life, I wonder why members of our own Congress can't at least observe the simple position of making, "... no oral or written statements disloyal to [their] country and its allies.
It seems that many in Congress, including former servicemembers have forgotten their simple oath to support and defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I urge all who see this to contact their representatives to remind them of the oath they have taken and urge them to follow it.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Military Bloggers Fire it Up
That perspective is quite different than what is projected by establishment media. Now you can get direct access to information straight from the War on Terror. Military personnel have started something that is a new phenomenon…”Milblogging.” The interesting thing is that the military leadership still allows these military blogs to exist even though there are potential dangers. One of the biggest dangers is that of violating OPSEC or operational security that may allow our enemies to take advantage of exposed information that they would not normally be able to access. I was a military commander but at that time did not have to consider a decision on how to handle military blogs since they didn’t exist. Considering milblogs now, I like the fact that troops are able to communicate with the public directly. I would put some supervision on it to protect my units from danger, but I think now as I thought then that the average soldier out there is concious and intelligent enough not to put himself or his fellow soldiers in danger by releasing unauthorized information. The supervision is really for the exceptions (they exist in every unit) who do not use good judgement in disclosing information.
I love the entries that can be accessed directly by anyone willing to put forth the effort to research source material to make informed decisions on issues. Right now “Big Media” regergitates a babyfood version of the facts massaged to render the flavor and texture to further the agenda of the owner or controller of that particular media outlet. I have always pursued the source materials when making a desision on an issue. I wish there were more people out there that would do the same. I think more people should read the source documents which founded the United States. The U.S. Constitution is very readable and straightforward. Too many now use the multitude of opionions rendered by countless lawyers to form their ideas on what is constitutional now. Read the source of it all and form your own opinion!
I remember when the Internet was blossoming in the late 1990’s and having discussions with people as to whether the Internet would be an avenue toward more liberation , or if it would be used to dominate and repress people under the government boot. I think thus far, the Internet has been a liberator. I was following the story of the United Nations trying to gain administrative control of the Internet from the United States and I am very happy that as of now the UN has been unsuccessful.
On to some milblogs. One I recommend you check out is at and see the directness one can find out there. The quote on the banner on the top recounts an adage many a combat soldier has heard and repeated, “Good people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.”
The media elites should truely reflect on this statement as they denegrate the U.S. military. A recent effort to emotionally demoralize American military families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons perpetrated by was debunked by the sharp eyes of some soldiers who realized that the soldiers shown in the propagandized advert were wearing British uniforms. The milbloggers spread the word like wildfire to the point that it reached mainstream media and squelched the intended effects of the definitely anti-American ad put forth by Soros-and-the-gang. The milbloggers are even debunking statements made by a member of our own Congress who said our army is broken and living hand to mouth. One blogger lamented that it is Congress that is broken, but alas NOT living hand to mouth.
I urge everyone to peruse the many military blogs sprouting up and make comments on them. The interactive nature of online content is the reason why print media will continue to move from paper to cyberspace.
Read more on article here.
Richard Disney is a former U.S. Army Captain and is running for the Nevada State Assembly.
'Milbloggers' Report Real Life Warstories on Web
Friday, Dec. 2, 2005
His cyber handle is "Dreadcow" and his "milblog" is entitled, "Fun with Hand Grenades - the mindless ramblings and exploits of a U.S. Army infantryman deployed to Iraq."
Dreadcow is the author/creator of but one of the soaring number of military-focused Internet Web logs - "blogs" or "milblogs" - as online diaries created by American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan are known. The phenomenon also extends to soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines stationed all over the globe, GI family members overseas or maintaining the homefront, and theoccasionall retired military guy or gal.
In a recent entry, Dreadcow reflects, "There are people back in the States who claim we're a horrible country and our political leadership is perverse because we have such a large disparity between the rich and poor. To them I say, come to Iraq.
"Come and see firsthand the men in their pressed business suits talking on cell phones while 10 feet away kids are running around wearing tattered clothing and covered in what is probably a combination of donkey s**t and water.
"Come and see how some houses have tarps for doors and the roofs are made of mud and straw. Come and see how it looks and smells like a garbage truck with a full load tipped over and then magically vanished, leaving rotting food, papers, and God knows what else strewn about the freeways.
"Come see Iraqis sell the meat off of freshly slaughtered sheep in the sun. Come drive your car down the road where you'll get sick to your stomach after hitting 10 potholes within two minutes, then realizing you're in the paved part of town ...", which has been charting the phenomenon for some time, currently has registered 815 military blogs in 22 countries. It wasn't long ago that the number was just 50.
Some of the names are colorful enough: "MY WAR: Killing Time in Iraq," "Who's Your Baghdaddy?" "Combat Medic in Iraq," "Middle of Nowhere and Two Feet from Hell," and "Desert Odyssey."
While the quality of the milblogs ranges from crude to bell-and-whistle professional, they mostly follow the same mold. Essentially, they are diaries of the servicemen and service women, and as the months in the overseas tour pass, older entries are consolidated in an archive. There are generally plenty of pics posted, links to other milblogs favored by the amateur journalist-in-uniform, and a way for the reader to e-mail comments.
Many of the postings by the milbloggers are humorous or rough-hewn stories about the routine life at their bases, but others bring the reader face-to-face with heated military operations or the bloody gore at aid stations and hospitals - often just hours after the fact.
As could be imagined, it is this latter genre of blogging that causes the brass concern. Recall the embarrassment suffered by the Department of Defense when military bloggers posted some of the now infamous pictures of Abu Ghraib detainees.
In October, DoD promulgated new advisories to soldiers about posting personal stories and pictures from combat zones. Specifically prohibited was releasing information detailing job responsibilities and posting pictures of the aftermath of insurgent attacks or roadside bombs.
This latest advisory to the field followed on the heels of Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker's memo this past summer to unit commanders telling them to take the issue more seriously:
"The enemy aggressively 'reads' our open source and continues to exploit such information for use against our forces. Some soldiers continue to post sensitive information to Internet Web sites and blogs ... Such OPSEC [operational security] violations needlessly place lives at risk and degrade the effectiveness of our operations."
Perhaps the most onerous regulation to come down the pike, however, is the current requirement for milbloggers to register their sites with commanding officers, who have been given the authority to pull them from Cyberspace if deemed detrimental to OPSEC.
The requirement goes back to April, when Lt. Gen. John R. Vines, commander of multinational forces in Iraq, issued a memorandum ordering personnel stationed in Iraq to record their Web sites with their chains of command - and report any contributions to other Web sites as well.
The Vine memo further prohibited posting of certain classes of information, including casualty information before the next of kin has been notified, information protected by the Privacy Act, matters that are the subject of ongoing investigations, and information designated as "for official use only."
The registration requirement linchpinchpin to the more rigorous approach that has been building up steam since last February when Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Richard A. Cody in a memo to the field called for "a more aggressive attitude toward protecting friendly information":
"It is critical to remind our people that the negligent or unauthorized release of sensitive photos is a serious threat to our forces. Leaders are encouraged to remind all personnel that the enemy will exploit sensitive photos showing the results of IED strikes, battle scenes, casualties, destroyed or damaged equipment, and enemy KIAs as propaganda and terrorist training tools.
"For example, annotated photos of an Abrams tank penetrated by an RPG are easily found on the Internet. Inform your personnel that we could unwittingly magnify enemy capabilities simply by exchanging photos with friends, relatives, or by publishing them on the Internet or other media."
One soldier serving in Iraq learned first hand how seriously the military takes OPSEC violations by milbloggers.
Pfc. Leonard Clark, an Arizona National Guard member, this past summer got hammered at a non-judicial punishment session by his commanding officer in the 860th Military Police Company.
Leonard Clark was found guilty of 11 counts of failing to obey orders and two counts of reckless endangerment because material he put up on a blog violated regulations about posting information deemed sensitive to Army operations or movements.
Clark was demoted from specialist to private first class, fined $1,640, and further awarded restriction and extra duties.
The Clark experience aside, some milbloggers in the field express some surprise that Uncle Sam still allows digital cameras in the field and has not outright nixed soldierly diaries from the Web.
But soldiers don't leave their Constitutional right to free speech at the barrack's door. Furthermore, prior restraint is the most sensitive of free speech issues.
"Bloggers are free to discuss a fairly broad range of topics, give their opinions on virtually anything, as long as they don't violate obvious security/personal info concerns," points out milblogger "Greyhawk," who along with his wife produces
The logo motto of the Mudville Gazette says that it is the "on-line voice of an American warrior and his wife who stands by him. They prefer to see peaceful change render force of arms unnecessary. Until that day they stand fast with those who struggle for freedom, strike for reason, and pray for a better tomorrow."
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
First on the No-New-Tax Issue
My challenge to the hopefuls running for Nevada Assembly District 26 has moved them to take a more conservative position than they had previously occupied. I am glad to see that the race for Assembly 26 is having a positive conservative influence on candidates throughout the state. I truly believe that voters in Nevada and especially in my district just want to be left alone. Individuals should keep more of their money in their pockets and the government at every level needs to realize that. In 2003 we endured a tax increase of well over $800,000,000. That is $800 MILLION DOLLARS! I just wanted to everyone to realize how many zeros there are in the biggest tax increase in Nevada history. In the last legislative session there was a declared surplus of well over $600 million. I have heard some sources report (with no objections) that the surplus was really well over $800 million. About $300 million was rebated to the taxpayers and another $300 million was put away in a "Rainy Day Fund". You know why the state government doesn't want it known that the surplus was $800 million right? Because it is patently obvious that the tax increase of 2003 was UNNECESSARY.
I signed The Pledge and posted it on my website for all to see to illustrate the commitment I have to the people of Assembly District 26 and all of Nevada. One can only hope that other candidates are taking The Pledge because of their core values and not just to curry favor with the voters to get into office and then change their tune. It is a positive sign for candidates to sign The Pledge because if they ever DO vote for a tax increase or fail to fight against one, there is ample reason for constituents to boot that assemblyman out of office. When it comes to more candidates following me on making commitments not to raise taxes, I say, "Come on in the water's fine!"
Besides committing not to raise taxes, I have also committed publicly to propose the repeal of two bad laws for every new bill I introduce. I am dedicated to fighting for less government regulation. We have a law factory in Carson City. We must restrict its production as much as possible. I will do my best to keep legislative sessions limited to 120 days every other year. As Will Rogers said, "The only time a man's life, liberty, and property are safe is when Congress is NOT in session." I will continue to repeat that quote. I have always been wary of candidates that tell the people about what legislation they are going to get passed to create more laws. I want fewer laws not more. I want to get rid of as many bad laws as possible. I was asked recently what I considered a bad law. I didn't need to hesitate before answering that a bad law to me is any law that restricts or regulates individuals beyond what the U.S. and Nevada Constitutions permit. There are PLENTY of bad laws to choose from. There is not a scarcity of laws that should face the ax.
Governments create laws to restrict people. Constitutions restrict governments. We must always remember that every publicly elected person must swear an oath to support and defend the state and national Constitutions against all enemies foreign and domestic. I took that oath as a U.S. Army officer and still stand by my oath. The voters of District 26 and the State of Nevada can be assured that I will uphold my oath as an Assemblyman.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
by Chuck Muth
Pledging to never vote for new and higher taxes of hard working Nevada families, conservative Republican candidate Richard Disney signed the Americans for Tax Reform "No-New-Taxes Pledge" and encouraged his opponents to do the same yesterday. Two other candidates (so far) are also running for the Assembly District 26 seat in Washoe County: Mike Dillon and Ty Cobb.
In a challenge to all declared candidates in the race, Disney called for the end of new taxes in Nevada and encouraged all Republicans to step up to the test. In addition to signing the pledge, Disney supports the principals of limited government and vowed to introduce bills to repeal two bad laws for every new bill he introduces.
Hoo-hah! So let it be written; so let it be done.
Richard Disney served as a Captain in the U.S. Army. His service includes Operation Promote Liberty in Panama and Operation Joint Endeavor in Bosnia. Now a Reno-based businessman, he is running for the assembly seat currently held by Assemblywoman Sharron Angle (R) who is not seeking re-election, opting instead for a run for the 2nd congressional district seat which is being vacated by Rep. Jim Gibbons (R) who is running for the governor's seat which is being vacated by Gov. Kenny Guinn (R), who is term-limited.
Hard to keep track of the players without a scorecard, isn't it?
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Beware of "Harry Reid Republicans"
I am one of those disappointed Republicans. Here in Nevada, I have heard candidates tout Republican endorsers for their campaigns that also endorsed Sen. Harry Reid! One candidate proudly stood up in a room full of Republicans and proclaimed that he was endorsed by the leader of the Republicans-for-Harry-Reid Campaign. That is not an endorsement I would ever seek, much less announce it to the public!
Some people say that we have to "go along to get along." That hasn't done anything to slow the increased taxes and spending of a growing government. I do not know of any government in history that willingly shrank. We must be vigilant in restricting government growth on both ends. We must tie the purse strings and limit the governments ability to tax us. On the other end, we must make it very difficult for governments to increase spending. The great leaders in history are not the ones who just tried to get along with the powers that be or go along with the crowd. The great leaders in history are the ones that bucked trends and made a difference or sacrificed a great deal trying.
I think it is sad when the accepted "normal" state of our government is to treat the money in your pockets and mine as public property! As if by keeping the money that we earn is somehow infringing on someone else's rights. Ronald Reagan said, "Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other." Governments create laws that limit people, constitutions limit governments. A government is a necessary thing, but it must be limited. Without constitutional restraints, a government has no accountability and will grow unchecked, as fast and far as it can.
Now it seems that many Republicans are being lulled by the promise of friendship and the promise of good treatment by Big Media into sounding remarkably like their Democrat opponents. The Democrats, especially of late, have really been putting the "mean" in mean spiritedness. If you are a Republican who compromises on conservetive values then you become the Democrat's best friend.
I say that we have to stand strongly for what is right and identify Republicans who hurt our position by compromising our principles and core values. We must identify them for what they are...Harry Reid Republicans!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Nevada Independent Conservatives Endorse Disney
NICPAC Endorsement
Fellow Conservatives,
As you already know, NICPAC was founded to help promote true conservatives into Nevada government.
In a Republican realm where RINO's are increasing in numbers, we feel it is time that we make a stand and begin a campaign of passion and honesty that will expose those who do not stand for our core beliefs, and push those who do into positions of leadership across our great state.
Finding the right candidates for these positions is not an easy task, however we do it very quickly and with few questions asked.
We are constantly on the look out for red flags and move on them almost instantly.
Over the past few weeks we have been carefully watching candidates for Assembly 26 and have found that Richard Disney is by far the most fiscally conservative candidate for the position in our State Assembly.
We feel that Richard Disney runs on almost the exact same energy as Sharron Angle and he boldly states that he wishes to pick up where Sharron Angle is leaving off.
Richard Disney does not dance around a single question and will tell you exactly what he wants you to hear, not what you want him to say.
An official letter of endorsement had been mailed to Richard Disney and a Press Release is in the works. Please be on the lookout for this information.
Warm Regards,
Eric Odom
How to Lose a War
Family and Friends,
I don’t send out political rhetoric often. I feel strongly that Mr. Peters is on target with this article and currently I’m close enough to the War to know what truth on the ground is.
We can win this fight if we just have the patience and political will to see it through.
Worth the read and worth forwarding.
Thanks for listening and Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
New York Post
November 21, 2005
How to Lose a War
By Ralph Peters
QUIT. It's that simple. There are plenty of more complex ways to lose a war, but none as reliable as just giving up.
Increasingly, quitting looks like the new American Way of War. No matter how great your team, you can't win the game if you walk off the field at half-time. That's precisely what the Democratic Party wants America to do in Iraq. Forget the fact that we've made remarkable progress under daunting conditions: The Dems are looking to throw the game just to embarrass the Bush administration.
Forget about the consequences. Disregard the immediate encouragement to the terrorists and insurgents to keep killing every American soldier they can. Ignore what would happen in Iraq — and the region — if we bail out. And don't mention how a U.S. surrender would turn al Qaeda into an Islamic superpower, the champ who knocked out Uncle Sam in the third round.
Forget about our dead soldiers, whose sacrifice is nothing but a political club for Democrats to wave in front of the media. After all, one way to create the kind of disaffection in the ranks that the Dems' leaders yearn to see is to tell our troops on the battlefield that they're risking their lives for nothing, we're throwing the game.
Forget that our combat veterans are re-enlisting at remarkable rates — knowing they'll have to leave their families and go back to war again. Ignore the progress on the ground, the squeezing of the insurgency's last strongholds into the badlands on the Syrian border. Blow off the successive Iraqi elections and the astonishing cooperation we've seen between age-old enemies as they struggle to form a decent government.
Just set a time-table for our troops to come home and show the world that America is an unreliable ally with no stomach for a fight, no matter the stakes involved. Tell the world that deserting the South Vietnamese and fleeing from Somalia weren't anomalies — that's what Americans do.
While we're at it, let's just print up recruiting posters for the terrorists, informing the youth of the Middle East that Americans are cowards who can be attacked with impunity.
Whatever you do, don't talk about any possible consequences. Focus on the moment — and the next round of U.S. elections. Just make political points. After all, those dead American soldiers and Marines don't matter — they didn't go to Ivy League schools. (Besides, most would've voted Republican had they lived.)
America's security? Hah! As long as the upcoming elections show Democratic gains, let the terrorist threat explode. So what if hundreds of thousands of Middle Easterners might die in a regional war? So what if violent fundamentalism gets a shot of steroids? So what if we make Abu Musab al-Zarqawi the most successful Arab of the past 500 years?
For God's sake, don't talk about democracy in the Middle East. After all, democracy wasn't much fun for the Dems in 2000 or 2004. Why support it overseas, when it's been so disappointing at home?
Human rights? Oh, dear. Human rights are for rich white people who live in Malibu. Unless you can use the issue to whack Republicans. Otherwise, brown, black or yellow people can die by the millions. Dean, Reid & Pelosi, LLC, won't say, "Boo!"
You've got to understand, my fellow citizens: None of this matters. And you don't matter, either. All that matters is scoring political points. Let the world burn. Let the massacres run on. Let the terrorists acquire WMD. Just give the Bush administration a big black eye and we'll call that a win.
The irresponsibility of the Democrats on Capitol Hill is breathtaking. (How can an honorable man such as Joe Lieberman stay in that party?) Not one of the critics of our efforts in Iraq — not one — has described his or her vision for Iraq and the Middle East in the wake of a troop withdrawal. Not one has offered any analysis of what the terrorists would gain and what they might do. Not one has shown respect for our war dead by arguing that we must put aside our partisan differences and win.
There's plenty I don't like about the Bush administration. Its domestic policies disgust me, and the Bushies got plenty wrong in Iraq. But at least they'll fight. The Dems are ready to betray our troops, our allies and our country's future security for a few House seats.
Surrender is never a winning strategy.
Yes, we've been told lies about Iraq — by Dems and their media groupies. About conditions on the ground. About our troops. About what's at stake. About the consequences of running away from the great struggle of our time. About the continuing threat from terrorism. And about the consequences for you and your family.
What do the Democrats fear? An American success in Iraq. They need us to fail, and they're going to make us fail, no matter the cost. They need to declare defeat before the 2006 mid-term elections and ensure a real debacle before 2008 — a bloody mess they'll blame on Bush, even though they made it themselves.
We won't even talk about the effect quitting while we're winning in Iraq might have on the go-to-war calculations of other powers that might want to challenge us in the future. Let's just be good Democrats and prove that Osama bin Laden was right all along: Americans have no stomach for a fight.
As for the 2,000-plus dead American troops about whom the lefties are so awfully concerned? As soon as we abandon Iraq, they'll forget about our casualties quicker than an amnesiac forgets how much small-change he had in his pocket.
If we run away from our enemies overseas, our enemies will make their way to us. Quit Iraq, and far more than 2,000 Americans are going to die.
And they won't all be conservatives.
Ralph Peters is a retired Army officer.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Petition to save the job of a H.S. history teacher who dared to teach about the Founding Fathers
The Carson City (NV) school district says 11th-grade history teachers should start teaching American history at the Civil War period and move forward. But one experienced, award-winning teacher is standing up to this History-Lite policy and is insisting on teaching about our nation's colonial and Founding eras. And he might lose his job over it. Citizen Outreach is asking people to sign an online petition to save his job.
Meet Joe Enge.
Joe is an award-winning, 15-year veteran history teacher in Carson City who has, among other things, written two history textbooks and served on the 1997 task force which drew up Nevada’s history standards. But according to school district administrators, he’s a “bad” teacher.
You see, Joe has this crazy idea that American history should include our colonial period, as well as the Revolutionary War period. You know, where the Founding Fathers fought for independence from England and wrote the greatest governing document the world has ever known - the United States Constitution. You know, that period of time which gave us patriot heroes such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Tom Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, Sam Adams, Paul Revere, John Paul Jones, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton and John Hancock.
And Joe has REALLY ticked off the local school district bureaucrats and the education establishment.
You see, unbeknownst to most parents in Carson City, the school district believes that high school American history should start with the Civil War era, not the days of America’s Founding. Indeed, the curriculum forced on history teachers at Carson High School ignores pre-Civil War history completely - other than a little optional “refresher” at the beginning of the school year or if you’re in an Advanced Placement class.
Joe Enge has fought the district’s History-Lite curriculum for the past three years by teaching ALL of his students ALL of America’s history, starting with the colonial period (remember the Pilgrims?).
In addition, Joe believes...get this...that the teacher should teach and the students should learn. He embraces and practices the “traditional” teacher-centered method of education, as opposed to the fashionable student-centered “discovery learning” method currently all the rage in San Francisco and Portland. What a trouble-maker.
So the school district wants to get rid of him.
Joe’s supervisors - including Carson High’s principal, Fred Perdomo - have given Joe unsatisfactory evaluations in retaliation for his refusal to teach a Founding-free version of American history. And although Joe’s a “tenured” teacher, three such bad evaluations would be grounds for running this maverick out of town on a rail (students would have to read Revolutionary War-era history to know just what this phrase means). So Joe challenged the administrative evaluations; however, the Carson City School District Superintendent, Mary Pierszynski, sided with the principal. Big surprise there.
Last month as part of a mediation effort, Ms. Pierszynski offered to buy Joe off by paying him one year’s salary if he’d quit. And considering the pure hell this one-man fight has put his family through, Joe actually considered it. But at the last minute, Pierszynski withdrew her offer, and now the dispute is moving to binding arbitration. Which means if Pierszynski’s ruling backing Perdomo’s evaluations stands, this Fulbright Scholar and Madison Fellowship award-winner will likely be tossed out on his kiester - and his Carson High students will finally be taught that American history began when Lincoln freed the slaves.
Of course, the teacher’s union could always ride in and defend this experienced, professional classroom educator. Yeah, right. Fat chance. You see, Joe has chosen not to join the teacher’s union, so these “principled” defenders of teaching professionals are more than happy to see the guy thrown to the wolves.
This entire episode is an outrage. Joe Enge is the kind of teacher we should WANT educating our kids. He loves history. He knows history. And he’s darned good at teaching history. Indeed, Enge’s spirit of resistance to this great injustice would make our Founding Fathers - who the Carson City School District would prefer to pretend never existed - proud. Especially Thomas Jefferson who (not that Carson City high school students would know it) once said, “The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive.”
It’s time for Superintendent Pierszynski, Principal Perdomo and the entire Carson City education establishment to call off the dogs and let professional American history teacher Joe Enge do what he’s been trained to do and has been successfully doing for 15 long years: TEACH AMERICAN HISTORY. The FULL American history, not the district’s “Reader’s Digest” version.
Please help keep American history IN ITS ENTIRETY alive at Carson High School by signing this petition urging the Carson City School District to allow Joe Enge to do what he’s been trained to do: Teach ALL of American history.
Chuck Muth
Citizen Outreach
Let Joe Enge meet Fox News where he wants
Dear Mr. Perdomo,
Your battle against Joe Enge is getting childish when you restrict the freedom of the press by blocking them from conducting their interview with Mr. Enge in his high school classroom.
I do not agree with your view of denying Joe Enge from teaching key elements of our nation's history to 11th graders. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it and you are facilitating future generations of Carson City High School graduates who are not equipped to avoid historical pitfalls.
I urge you to reconsider letting Fox News and any other members of the press conduct interviews in any public place including a PUBLIC high school.
Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments using the contact info below.
Richard Disney
775-321-9651 voice
775-201-0706 fax email website blog
Mailing address:
1620 Robb Dr, #C176
Reno, NV 89523
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Tale of Two Cows
A DEMOCRAT: You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. You feel guilty for being successful. You vote people into office who tax your cows, forcing you to sell one to raise money to pay the tax. The people you voted for then take the tax money and buy a cow and give it to your neighbor. You feel righteous. Barbara Streisand sings for you.
A CHRISTIAN DEMOCRAT: You have two cows. You keep one and give one to your neighbor. Then you covet it.
A REPUBLICAN: You have two cows. Your neighbor has none. So?
A COMMUNIST: You have two cows. The government seizes both and provides you with milk. You wait in line for hours to get it. It is expensive and sour.
A FASCIST: You have two cows. The government seizes both and sells you the milk. You join the underground and start a campaign of sabotage which ultimately blows up the cows.
CAPITALISM, AMERICAN STYLE: You have two cows. You sell one, buy a bull, and build a herd of cows.
DEMOCRACY, AMERICAN STYLE: You have two cows. The government taxes you to the point you have to sell both to support a man in a foreign country who has only one cow, which was a gift from your government.
BUREAUCRACY, AMERICAN STYLE: You have two cows. The government takes them both, shoots one, milks the other, pays you for the milk, then pours the milk down the drain.
"Not Yours to Give"
US Representative from Tennessee
One day in the House of Representatives a bill was taken up appropriating money for the benefit of a widow of a distinguished naval officer. Several beautiful speeches had been made in its support. The speaker was just about to put the question when Crockett arose:
"Mr. Speaker--I have as much respect for the memory of the deceased, and as much sympathy for the suffering of the living, if there be, as any man in this House, but we must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for part of the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. I will not go into an argument to prove that Congress has not the power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member on this floor knows it.
We have the right as individuals, to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right to appropriate a dollar of the public money. Some eloquent appeals have been made to us upon the ground that it is a debt due the deceased. Mr. Speaker, the deceased lived long after the close of the war; he was in office to the day of his death, and I never heard that the government was in arrears to him.
"Every man in this House knows it is not a debt. We cannot without the grossest corruption, appropriate this money as the payment of a debt. We have not the semblance of authority to appropriate it as charity. Mr. Speaker, I have said we have the right to give as much money of our own as we please. I am the poorest man on this floor. I cannot vote for this bill, but I will give one week's pay to the object, and if every member of Congress will do the same, it will amount to more than the bill asks."
He took his seat. Nobody replied. The bill was put upon its passage, and, instead of passing unanimously, as was generally supposed, and as, no doubt, it would, but for that speech, it received but few votes, and, of course, was lost.
Bloggers having impact in Nevada
Anjeanette Damon ( RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL November 20, 2005
Nevada has been blogged.
Just ask Chancellor Jim Rogers, who still might be a Republican, or U.S. Sen. John Ensign, who still might have a political bombshell to drop on a would-be opponent.
Already players on the national stage, political bloggers have arrived in the Silver State and are poised to alter Nevada's campaign landscape.
Nevada's nascent blogosphere recently revealed the past drug use of potential U.S. Senate candidate Jack Carter and instigated a controversy that compelled Rogers to become nonpartisan.
Blogs are Internet journals that offer a running commentary on the issues of the day, with writers combing other blogs, mainstream media and other sources for nuggets often overlooked by the established press. Beyond that, they offer an instantaneous forum for political debate.
It's a citizen punditry that already is breaking news in Nevada and shaping debates in some of the state's key races.
"Local political blogs have a lot of potential to shape politics in Nevada and be influential in the same way that national blogs have been influential," said Donica Mensing, a journalism professor at the University of Nevada, Reno. "They can set up buzz about candidates, skewer campaigns, hold figures accountable."
Among those in Nevada's budding blogosphere are former and current journalists, an anonymous aspiring novelist and a credit underwriter.
The Las Vegas Gleaner,, is a liberal blog launched this summer by Hugh Jackson, former editor of a weekly newspaper, and has quickly become a must-read in political circles.
Las Vegas columnist Jon Ralston, who hosts a television talk show and writes a daily political newsletter, recently joined the blogosphere and Las Vegas City Life editor Steve Sebelius takes daily pokes at the political establishment on his blog.
Those who run campaigns are waiting to see how local bloggers will change things in Nevada politics.
"We just really don't know at this point," said Kirsten Searer, spokeswoman for the state Democratic Party. "Most of these blogs are just sheer entertainment. They are really funny and are insightful as well.
"The beauty of bloggers is they have an audience of the right people. If they break news, then insiders in politics and mainstream media are likely to pick it up."
Nationally, bloggers have become the veritable fifth estate of government, acting as a check on presidents, Congress and the press. They have brought down a television news anchor and two Senate leaders.
In 2002, liberal bloggers ensured the nation took notice of former Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott's pro-segregationist comments, creating such a maelstrom that Lott was forced to step down from his leadership post.
Political impact
Last year, bloggers were given some credit with helping to defeat former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle in South Dakota by scrutinizing his record and championing his opponent.
Chuck Muth, a Carson City-based conservative political consultant, hopes the same can be done in the Silver State when Daschle's successor, U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., is up for re-election in five years.
"Setting it up is easy and cheap," he said. "All you need is a good writer who has a fundamental interest in politics."
The governor's race already is a favorite topic for Nevada bloggers.
Jackson regularly harpoons the three Republican candidates. He champions Democratic candidate state Sen. Dina Titus, D-Las Vegas, and castigates her opponent, Henderson Mayor Jim Gibson, as too conservative for the Democratic primary. He regularly refers to him as the "Democrat."
Early in the campaign, when Rogers made news as a possible Republican challenger to U.S. Rep. Jim Gibbons, Jackson was the first to report Rogers' contributions to federal Democratic candidates.
Within days, the state's largest newspapers were pushing the story forward. Within two weeks, Rogers, who had been a Republican for 30 years, switched to nonpartisan.
Daily visits to the Las Vegas Gleaner grow each week. In August, an average of 80 people visited each week. Last week, the average was 182.
"The more people who are looking at this stuff the better," Jackson said. "Inasmuch as me or anybody else can contribute to the sum total of human knowledge with regards to candidates, that is the ideal way that we can contribute to the debate."
Blogs ignored by some
Gibson's press secretary Greg Bortolin said he reads Jackson's blog "with a chuckle."
"I'm not discounting the blogs because people do read them and they do influence people," Bortolin said. "But at the end of the day, television and the mainstream media have a far greater reach. I just don't see a blog as something I have to deal with."
Titus's campaign manager disagrees.
"Blogs have proven to be very relevant in this race," he said. "The folks that blog tend to be intelligent Nevadans. They are savvy and understand the issues confronting this state."
Since 1999, Gibbons has been the subject of an entire blog devoted to pillorying his record. Run by an anonymous writer, has almost daily posts criticizing Gibbons' votes, press releases and appearances.
Last month, the writer took a break from Gibbons-bashing to reveal that Jack Carter, son of former President Jimmy Carter, who is considering a Senate run in Nevada, was kicked out of the Navy for using marijuana and LSD.
The story quickly made national news.
Gibbons' campaign manager, Robert Uithoven, said he isn't worried that Vote Gibbons Out will hurt his candidate.
"It didn't play a role in the previous election and I don't see it playing a role in this one," he said.
At present, the Nevada blogosphere tips toward liberals, but conservatives are hoping to change that soon.
"Nevada conservatives are a little behind the curve," Muth said.
Eric Odom, a Reno college student, has created the Nevada Independent Conservative Political Action Committee, which has a blog at:
And Mark Noonan, a 40-year-old underwriter from Las Vegas, who already has a national following as a writer for Blogs for Bush and GOP Bloggers, is gearing up to launch Battleborn Politics by the first of the year.
"I'm a conservative Republican," he said. "This will not be a balanced blog. I will give the other side their due, but I'm here to support my side."
Jackson's Gleaner sports a similar disclaimer: "Neither objectivity nor balance are priorities. Accuracy and honesty are."
Thursday, November 17, 2005
My Core Issues
LOWER TAXES: I will not vote for a tax increase. I have signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge ( and proudly posted it on my website . I stand by my pledge. We must lower taxes and restrict government spending!
LESS GOVERNMENT REGULATION: I will propose the REPEAL of two laws for every new bill I bring to the floor. Will Rogers said, "The only time a man's life, liberty and property are safe is when Congress is NOT in session." I think that applies to our State Assembly as well.
FAMILY VALUES: I have been married to the same beautiful wife for 13 years. I have one beautiful daughter. I want what is best for families!
My Job Interview to the Voter
I am interviewing with you the voter to accept me as your representative in the Nevada State Assembly. I am posting here questions I have been asked during real job interviews and my answers: