Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Beware of "Harry Reid Republicans"

There is more and more frustration among conservatives as we keep voting Republicans into office but the Republicans keep spending more and more of the taxpayers' money. It is no wonder that it is difficult to get people motivated to vote. People keep voting for people they think will take a stand only to be disappointed again and again. Few candidates have the temerity to stand up for what the constituents want. Many candidates and representatives have completely lost their resolve to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

I am one of those disappointed Republicans. Here in Nevada, I have heard candidates tout Republican endorsers for their campaigns that also endorsed Sen. Harry Reid! One candidate proudly stood up in a room full of Republicans and proclaimed that he was endorsed by the leader of the Republicans-for-Harry-Reid Campaign. That is not an endorsement I would ever seek, much less announce it to the public!

Some people say that we have to "go along to get along." That hasn't done anything to slow the increased taxes and spending of a growing government. I do not know of any government in history that willingly shrank. We must be vigilant in restricting government growth on both ends. We must tie the purse strings and limit the governments ability to tax us. On the other end, we must make it very difficult for governments to increase spending. The great leaders in history are not the ones who just tried to get along with the powers that be or go along with the crowd. The great leaders in history are the ones that bucked trends and made a difference or sacrificed a great deal trying.

I think it is sad when the accepted "normal" state of our government is to treat the money in your pockets and mine as public property! As if by keeping the money that we earn is somehow infringing on someone else's rights. Ronald Reagan said, "Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other." Governments create laws that limit people, constitutions limit governments. A government is a necessary thing, but it must be limited. Without constitutional restraints, a government has no accountability and will grow unchecked, as fast and far as it can.

Now it seems that many Republicans are being lulled by the promise of friendship and the promise of good treatment by Big Media into sounding remarkably like their Democrat opponents. The Democrats, especially of late, have really been putting the "mean" in mean spiritedness. If you are a Republican who compromises on conservetive values then you become the Democrat's best friend.

I say that we have to stand strongly for what is right and identify Republicans who hurt our position by compromising our principles and core values. We must identify them for what they are...Harry Reid Republicans!

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