Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Pre State of the Union Address Comments

I would like to hear President Bush emphasize tonight that we are winning the Global War on Terror (GWOT).

I want him to continue communicating the “ownership society” and tell us what his plan is to aid those who earn money in this country to be able to keep more of that money in their own pockets. I would love to hear President Bush challenge Congress on several issues:

Eliminate the Death Tax.

Continue the 15% top rate for the Capital Gains Tax.

Make the income tax cuts permanent.

Support (as Paul Harvey would say) us (U.S.) in winning the Battle of Iraq and the overall GWOT.

I think President Bush should emphasize that eavesdropping on suspected terrorist communications in this country has been a key element in avoiding another catastrophic terrorist attack on U.S. soil. I am concerned about any threat to individual liberty, but I think the threat to individual liberty is much greater if another major terrorist attack is successful in the United States no matter who is president at the time. What President Bush has done in the way of using the powers of the Commander in Chief pales in comparison to past presidents. When one considers that Abraham Lincoln put upwards of 30,000 people (including some members of Congress) in prison for the duration of the Civil War or that Franklin Roosevelt detained over 100,000 people of Japanese decent for the duration of World War 2, what President Bush is doing now is very reasonable and has proven effective thus far. The way Democrat leaders are criticizing the Patriot Act that they themselves voted for indicates that the Democrat party is treating national security as a partisan political opportunity.

I would really like to hear President Bush talk about the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito and how it should be no surprise that he (Bush) nominated a conservative judge to the Supreme Court. I think Bush should reiterate his vision of judges following a strict view of the U.S. Constitution. In essence I think judges at any level should be umpires and not be permitted to swing the bat. I think the last year has been a very good one for the United States and if January is any indication of the year to come, we are looking at great economic performance in 2006. Bush should emphasize the good things that are happening. He should lay out a continuing clear plan to continue improvements in the future. The key advantage Republicans have over Democrats right now is that Republicans have plans for the future. Democrats continue to focus on defeating Bush even though he will never be up for reelection again.

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