"I will not be party to stealing money from one group
of citizens to give to another group of citizens; no
matter what the need or apparent justification. Once
the coffers of the federal government are open to
the public, there will be no shutting them again. It is
the responsibility of the citizens to support their
government. It is not the responsibility of the
government to support its citizens."
-- President Grover Cleveland
This is a great historical quote and illustrates one of
the biggest detriments to States' Rights and
Individual Liberty perpetrated by the ratification of
the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The
16th Amendment permitted the Federal Income Tax.
Before the 16th Amendment, the Federal Government
received tax revenues from the States based on
each State's population. In that respect the Federal
Government had to be somewhat beholden to the
State Governments. After ratification of the 16th
Amendment, the Federal Government reached down
into the pockets of all individuals earning an income
and took revenue all the way back to Washington
D.C. From then on the Federal Government could
enforce its will over the State Governments by
holding money back until the State Governments
complied. Even on issues many would consider minor
the Fed now says, "You better reduce your speed
limit to 55 MPH or we (the Fed) will withhold your
highway money." Now, very little of the revenue
collected by the Federal Government ever finds its
way back to Nevada.
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