Monday, March 27, 2006

We Need Immigration Reform

When I looked at Drudge this morning and saw the linked article on MSNBC/Newsweek referring to Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, I read an interesting quote from the article, [bold entered by me]
"As the House and Senate debate the nation's immigration and border-security laws, the four-term Coloradan has positioned himself as the loudest, angriest voice against the estimated 11 million illegal aliens now living in the United States."

Wow, MSNBC/Newsweek referring to "illegal aliens". The outrage of the American people about our unsecure borders must actually be getting to the Main Stream Media!

Seeing the pictures of the estimated hundreds of thousands of people protesting the passage of HR4437 has prompted me to write a letter in support of HR4437 to our congressman Jim Gibbons. The throngs of people protesting the immigration reform bill is proof to me that the bill should be passed into law.

I have some perspective on this issue. My wife Patricia immigrated legally from Peru to the United States, speaks perfect English and has been a U.S. citizen since 1995. I think that legal immigration helps the United States, but illegal aliens put strains on our economy that far outweigh the benefits to a few employers of cheap labor. Imagine just showing up in Mexico with your entire family and demanding free medical care with English speaking medical staff and free education for all of your children in English. The Mexican government would laugh at you.

Our porous borders also offer an entrance to terrorists which threatens our national security. With an estimated 11 MILLION illegals in the United States today, immigration reform is overdue. I think we should beware of amnesty programs because everytime an amnesty program is even proposed, the number of people illegally crossing our border increases dramatically. I also think that a "guest worker" program IS an amnesty program.

Richard Disney served as a captain in the U.S. Army and is now running for Nevada Assembly District 26.

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