Thursday, February 09, 2006

Representatives Who Represent

This was posted on Saturday 4 February 2006 and was expanded upon during a public discussion on Bill Manders' show on AM 780 KKOH Radio, Wednesday February 9, 2006.

As noted in yesterday’s Nevada News & Views, Republican Ty Cobb threw his hat into the Reno-area Assembly District 26 ring yesterday. He joins Republicans Richard Disney and Mike Dillon in a three-way race for the GOP nomination to replace conservative Assemblywoman Sharron Angle in this very GOP-friendly district.

Interestingly, Cobb told Reno Gazette-Journal political reporter Anjeanette Damon yesterday that he did NOT support two ballot initiatives currently enjoying tremendous GOP and conservative support: Nevada’s versions of Prop 13 (sponsored by Angle) and TABOR (sponsored by Sen. Bob Beers). “We won’t need initiatives like that if we elected people like myself,” he told Damon.

Now where have I heard THAT before?

Extracted from Chuck Muths “News & Views”

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