Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Calif enviro laws to shut down SD 4th of July fireworks~Enviros aren't fun #tcot http://ping.fm/6Maqy
Obama Secret Svc Agent Resigns Runs for MD Senate as Repub #tcot http://ping.fm/narmF
House Rejects Bill to Raise Debt Limit~Can't lower debt by creating more. Cut spending! #tcot http://ping.fm/7pdNt
Biden to be AWOL on Deficit Talks~Wasn't Biden supposed to be "Point Man" on budget? #tcot http://ping.fm/4jMTW
When Did the Media Flip-Flop on the Wars? #tcot http://www.theminorityreportblog.com/2011/05/31/when-did-the-media-flip-flop-on-the-wars/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A TMRNetwork %28The Minority Report Blog%29
"Word "unexpectedly" keeps cropping up in mainstream media stories about the economy." #tcot http://ping.fm/Wmnaw
DNC Chair: Repubs Believe Illegal Immigration 'Should be a Crime' #tcot http://ping.fm/Ps8Hx
Consumer confidence falls unexpectedly in May~Again "unexpectedly"?! #tcot http://ping.fm/i2JHv
Calif Amazon Tax Bill~State of tax & regulation driving more business out #tcot http://ping.fm/timiW
Limousine liberals? Number of government-owned limos soared under Obama #tcot http://ping.fm/BCQtS

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fireworks shows need new environmental review~Bliss only one regulation away #tcot http://ping.fm/n7sP7
Then Senator Obama on Why He Voted Against Raising Debt Ceiling #tcot http://ping.fm/6n8C0

Friday, May 27, 2011

The Gas Alternative: All-Electric Cars~So its coal-fired. By far most electricity in US produced by coal. #tcot http://ping.fm/CLnm6
Jerry Brown's Word Games for Taxes and the DMV #tcot http://www.theminorityreportblog.com/2011/05/26/jerry-browns-word-games-for-taxes/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A TMRNetwork %28The Minority Report Blog%29
Dependency and Votes~Thomas Sowell #tcot http://ping.fm/RBD8c
Income tax rate of 100% on millionaires & billionaires not enough to cover TRILLIONS Govt is spending-TSowell #tcot http://townhall.com/columnists/thomassowell/2011/05/17/slaves_to_words
SecDef Gates' Farewell Warning #tcot http://ping.fm/OQK3w
Dems seeking 62% Top Tax Rate?~Just what we need, return to Carter era tax rates #tcot http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304066504576343611464445594.html

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ratko Mladic Arrested~Finally, I remember looking for him in Hans Piezak, Bosnia in '96 #tcot http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/ratko-mladic-arrested/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A Cato-at-liberty %28Cato at Liberty%29

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

CBO: Stimulus law will cost $43 billion more thn estimated~Of course, Big Govt costs more achieves less #tcot http://ping.fm/N7FZH
Reid: Paul Can Only Offer Patriot Act amends I aprv.~Thought Dems were against PatAct when Bush Pres #tcot http://ping.fm/Bz4U0
Big Disney Surrenders to Navy SEALs in Trademark Battle~That didn't take long! Funny #tcot http://ping.fm/dlQuy
Navy Fights Disney for SEALs Trademark~Pretty funny. #tcot http://ping.fm/jTZd5
WARNING: The Double Dip Recession Has Started #tcot http://ping.fm/kdgVj
VID:Israel's Critical Security Needs #tcot http://ping.fm/YFVeP
Obama's Peace Plan is "War Formula"~Maybe he'll get Nobel War Prize too. #tcot http://ping.fm/J5yj6
Obama skirts rule of law to reward pals, punish foes~Surprised? #tcot http://ping.fm/KJiCr

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011

Jerry Brown calls prison ruling a reason for taxes~When did he need a reason? #tcot http://ping.fm/yUAxb
SCOTUS Rules Calif Must Free Tens of Thousands of Inmates~Hope only non-violent released #tcot http://ping.fm/8Nv1A
Putin decides to retake presidency~More like become dictator for life #tcot http://ping.fm/ZY7CY

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Golden State blues~Brown got Calif into this mess and is keeping it there #tcot http://ping.fm/6TTbJ
Why Budgets Are Busted #tcot http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/why-budgets-are-busted/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A Cato-at-liberty %28Cato at Liberty%29
Herman Cain announces presidential bid #tcot http://ping.fm/w2XW4
Angelenos furious over special 'Gold Card' for traffic tickets~Some more equal #tcot http://ping.fm/L3mPD
Saudi woman detained for defying driving ban~So tolerant! #tcot http://ping.fm/SFwPe
Obama Was Israiled: Killing bin Laden Was Not Foreign Policy Experience #tcot http://ping.fm/09eoB
Obama: Bond With Israel 'Unbreakable'~But he's trying #tcot http://ping.fm/evGu3

Saturday, May 21, 2011

VID:Obama, Netanyahu talk 1967 Borders~Obama looks naive, out of his deapth #tcot http://ping.fm/NWVXG
Reid rejects Boehner proposal for $2 trillion budget cuts~Big Govt Lib/Prog, of course he does #tcot http://ping.fm/jrMBk
WH:'Limited' Role in Libya, No Need to Get Congress Auth~Nice #tcot http://ping.fm/vbru2
NSW man in coma after 'planking' accident~Let 'em keep doing it Darwin Awards anyone? #tcot http://ping.fm/R3iY1

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dem Senate rejects GOP bill to expand, speed offshore drilling~Higher gas prices? Blame a Dem #tcot http://ping.fm/83m2W

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Obama to Unveil New Aid Plan for Mideast~Shouldn't U.S. be cutting aid? Can't afford now! #tcot http://ping.fm/GxWHP
Obama's "War on Fun" #tcot http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/president-obamas-war-on-fun/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A Cato-at-liberty %28Cato at Liberty%29
VID:The Morality of Profit~Many don't even understand what profit is. Voluntary v Involuntary #tcot http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/the-morality-of-profit/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A Cato-at-liberty %28Cato at Liberty%29
WH shuts out BostonHerald scribe~Transparency? So now WH "War on Fox" expanded to all media? #tcot http://ping.fm/NyNtg
Veteran Journalists: Today's WH Reporters Too Timid~Yep, stenographers #tcot http://ping.fm/w5zuT

Monday, May 16, 2011

$50 LED bulbs as federal bulb ban looms~Concentrate on more energy instead of bulb mandate #tcot http://ping.fm/gnXrM
Treasury to tap pensions to help fund Govt~Because spending reduction is out of the question #tcot http://ping.fm/DWWus

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Saudi woman defies driving ban~Equal rights for women! oh yeah driving is a privilege not a right #tcot http://ping.fm/jFsvd

Saturday, May 14, 2011

HHS approves 200 more new Obamacare waivers~Must be a bad program #tcot http://ping.fm/oLT98
Clinton Muses Abt new Govt Inet Agency to Combat Falsehoods~Just what we need another Govt agency #tcot http://ping.fm/C1Isv

Friday, May 13, 2011

Regnant Obama/Dem ideology is reactionary libism: whatev govt prgms exist shld exist forever because they always have existed GWill #tcot
Libs think Medicare & SocSec r “fundamental” but Constitution shld change to whatever Libs consider new soc imperatives. GWill #tcot
It is odd tht “progressives,” as liberals wish to be called, have such a constricted notion of the possibilities of progress. GWill #tcot
GWill: History lesson for Obama & other Lib/Progs #tcot http://ping.fm/Iy8qv
Not raising the Natl Debt Limit will actually show Fed Govt may be regaining responsibility and will improve currency & bonds #tcot
Don't raise the Natl Debt Limit. Can't get out of debt by raising the amount you can borrow. #tcot
Obama's General Motors Quagmire #tcot http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/obamas-gm-quagmire/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A Cato-at-liberty %28Cato at Liberty%29
New Yorkers under 30 plan to flee city; cite high taxes, few jobs~Yep. #tcot http://ping.fm/1qBEx

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Do SEIU Members Know Their Union Consorts w America's Enemies? #tcot http://ping.fm/tXPGO
Photos: Unions drop mask, go full commie~Stay classy Unions #tcot http://ping.fm/3c12Q
Obama Tells Companies to 'Step Up' & Hire Workers~You step up. Cut spending, lower taxes & end many regs #tcot http://ping.fm/4BDU0

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Employment rate for black men at record low~Obama hurting those he says he will help #tcot http://ping.fm/azwl2
House to Vote on Lifting Offshore Oil Moratorium~About freakin' time! #tcot http://ping.fm/UPTYA
Garden Grove CA bans nudity in coffee shops~Calif needs more regulations! #tcot http://ping.fm/g1TbH

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Pakistan Vows 'Zero Tolerance' in Bin Laden Probe "Head will roll"~Believe it when I see it #tcot http://ping.fm/uaI3x
Al Qaeda confirms bin Laden death~Of course AQ confirmed they attacked WTC but "Truthers" didn't believe that either #tcot http://ping.fm/31xGg

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Remember back when Biden said Obama WH would create 250k to 500k jobs/month? Yeah. #tcot http://ping.fm/6katp
Bin Laden's squalid hideaway in pictures~I thought it was a mansion #tcot http://ping.fm/CS0Ps

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Debt ceiling, what debt ceiling? Keep your eyes on the ball. #tcot
Carney floundering "only amateurs in [Osama] story are in the White House" #tcot http://ping.fm/SEF8k
Obama floats draft plan to tax cars by the mile~Driving wasn't expensive enough? That'll help Econ #tcot http://ping.fm/Gomib
Jobless claims hit 8-month high~End of Recession? "Recovery Summer" last year? Propaganda. #tcot http://ping.fm/9LGeQ

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Qaddafi Forces Shell Rebel Town, Key Supply Route~Qaddafi who? #tcot http://ping.fm/DEOL3
To get bin Laden, Obama relied on policies he decried~& campaigned against #tcot http://ping.fm/PMly8
Photos of Helo Tail & Bodies Could Spell Trouble for U.S.~Mil Spec Ops aren't cops they kill ppl & break things #tcot http://ping.fm/gQ5M9
Obama kills Osama: So I guess secret prisons and waterboarding work. #tcot
VID: 7 Reasons to Oppose Higher Taxes #tcot People aren't undertaxed the Govt is overspending http://www.cato-at-liberty.org/seven-reasons-to-oppose-higher-taxes/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A Cato-at-liberty %28Cato at Liberty%29

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

When ppl in D.C. create fancy new phrases, instead of plain English, they r doing something...don't want us 2 understand. #tcot http://ping.fm/Xfc5o
VID:Prince Charles' eco-crusade~Hey that jet and those estates only use unicorn farts! #tcot http://ping.fm/AvLKv

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Obama takes credit for bin Laden op. Strangely doesn't blame Bush on this one. #tcot http://ping.fm/ex8M0
Bloomberg: U.S. Should Make All New Immigrants Live in Detroit~Prob slow the tide #tcot http://ping.fm/Egfgg
VID: Gun Control explained #tcot http://ping.fm/7FT2K