Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If Democrats Win...The Taxman Cometh!

Hat Tip:

Another hilarious video that is considered too "over the top" for the Republican Party to air. Heck, these days, who needs television?

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Why Don't Democrats Demand Harry Reid's Resignation?

Here is a story from The Oklahoman newspaper that puts great perspective on the most recent (of many) Harry Reid scandals. Why is it that Democrats when found to be involved in a scandal don't resign as Republicans involved in scandal do? Why don't we hear demands from the media that Harry Reid resign immediately?

I think it is because most Democrat polititians and their supporters in the Main Stream Media are in a constant state of denial anyway.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Harry Reid Land Scandal Exposes Media Bias

Mark Levin documents the double standard exhibited by the main stream media when they constantly cover the Foley scandal but barely mention the current Harry Reid Pine Plaza Land scandal.

Levin also documents some of the other numerous shady deals maneuvered by Senator Harry Reid and his sons.

How could such an unctuous man become a U.S. Senator and Minority Leader? Unfortunately in this era, it is not surprising.

Click here for Mark Levin article.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Monday, October 09, 2006

Thank you Clinton Administration for Arming North Korea

Hat Tip: Gates of Vienna

Of course the knee jerk leftists are blaming Bush for North Korea's new nuclear capability but those of us with a memory remember the treaty brokered by Jimmy Carter and signed by Bill Clinton's Secretary of State, Madaline Albright.

A picture does say a thousand words.

Didn't the Clinton Administration Sign a Treaty with North Korea?

Hat Tip: Cox and Forkum

As was proven time and time again, a treaty with a communist government is worthless.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The Nevada “Power Rangers”: Billy Vassiliadis

Cross posted at

Since it has not been long since the first debate between Jim Gibbons and Dina Titus, I thought it only fitting to mention one of Dina’s protégés. Billy Vassiliadis is one of the small group of four king makers and ear whisperers known as the “Power Rangers.” Billy V. as he is know in the legislative halls of Carson City controls the largest advertising agency in Nevada called R&R Partners, Inc. since he bought it from fellow “Power Ranger” Sig Rogich in 1992. His advertising company did not have much trouble becoming the largest and most powerful advertising agency in Nevada since R&R Partners, Inc. has an uncontested contract with the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA). According to the Las Vegas Sun, “R&R Partners Inc. was given a $67.4 million budget from the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority for the fiscal year that ended June 30 [2005].” Billy V. is adept at wielding influence and stellar at raising money for the Power Ranger war chest.
Some people again may be reading this and saying “so what?” The reason all citizens with a desire for fair and transparent government should always be concerned with the centralization of power. In Nevada, power is centralized much more than most people realize. Four is a very small number of people to control this state.
Billy Vassiliadis’ rise occurred when Rogich became more directly involved in Republican politics and Billy V. was quickly promoted within R&R Partners, Inc. to become its president in the late 80’s. Billy V. is behind the LVCVA phrase, “Whatever Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.” There was a flurry of controversy when it was realized that Billy’s advertising slogan was remarkably close to the motto used by Alcoholics Anonymous, “Whatever Happens Here, Stays Here.”
At UNLV, Dina Titus was one of Billy V.’s instructors and speaks fondly of Billy V. Titus, now a gubernatorial candidate, said of Vassiliadis, “He was brash and bold. He was energetic and wanted to get involved. I'm not surprised where he is today.” Billy must have learned his “go along to get along” approach to the increasing size of government from the liberal Titus. The thing is that when Billy V. goes along he is adept at making the State Legislature get along. Billy has spent his life left of center on the political spectrum but does not hesitate to cross party lines when the “Power Ranger” plan can be supported by a Republican. Such was the case when Billy V. became instrumental in getting Kenny Guinn elected as governor. Another thing we see about all the “Power Rangers” is that regardless of which side of the political spectrum they claim to be, the overriding use of their powers is to increase taxes, spending and the growth of state government power and influence over everyone’s daily life.
During Nevada legislative sessions the four “Power Rangers” can be seen conversing multiple times a day as they “huddle up” as if before an NFL football play then disperse to various legislators to influence the vote for the overall “Power Ranger” plan. Did you vote for any of these lobbyists? I know I didn’t. One saving grace for the state of Nevada is that our legislative sessions only convene for four months every other year. If we had a full time legislative law factory like Dina Titus wishes for much more damage would have already been done to the individual rights of life, liberty and property.
Dina Titus speaks constantly on the campaign trail about how Nevada is “on the bottom of all the good lists and on the top of all the bad lists.” Doesn’t she realize that we are the fastest growing state in the Union right now precisely because we are not yet burdened with the cradle to grave social entitlements that most states have had for decades. If the Titus plan wants to curtail growth in Nevada, instituting higher taxes and bigger government would accomplish that in a hurry. Turning Nevada into California will stem the tide of people coming into this state by making it less attractive to productive people as a place to live. Since it seems that the goals of Dina Titus are more closely aligned with the philosophy of the “Power Rangers” than the apparent goals of Jim Gibbons, don’t be surprised if Titus pulls out a surprise victory as governor.

Monday, October 02, 2006

George W. Bush in Reno...Again

George W. Bush arrived here in Reno, Nevada today to support Dean Heller for Nevada Congressional District 2.

In the last few years President Bush has been in Reno three times. It felt like a "Forest Gump moment" today as I told my wife on the phone that I saw the President...again.

I am glad that Bush and his administration places emphasis on Northern Nevada during this election season especially since we cannot afford to have the Democrats take back control of Congress. Jill Derby running as the "un-Democrat" is coming too close to electability in this very Republican district. Don't be fooled by Derby's attempt to seem like the down home rancher who wants to help the common person. Derby is on tape saying that there should not be any illegal immigrants that "they should all be part of our system". Sounds like a policy of open borders and amnesty to me! Click here to listen for yourself.

Derby is playing the typical Democrat scare tactic about Social Security and how privatizing Social Security is dangerous. I will tell you this; Social Security is a train running downhill fast and out of control toward a gaping chasm with the bridge out. Politicians, including Jill Derby better pull their heads out of the sand and change the direction of Social Security soon. Derby and Democrats act like everything is hunky dory and it is most certainly not!

I think Bush's visit in support of Dean Heller gives the Heller campaign a shot in the arm both in all important campaign dollars and to the campaign's emotional vigor.