This is in response to the
Reno Gazette Journal article on Jimmy CarterIt is strange to observe the arrogance of a man like Carter who's appeasement policy in dealing with Iran has directly lead to the Hezbollah inspired crisis we see today. Realize that the Camp David accords have prevented hostilities between Israel and Egypt only because the United States committed to pay Israel and Egypt each $2 Billion dollars per year. That is $4 Billion a year that the United States pays out each year because of the Camp David accords. Egypt will not openly initiate hostilities with Israel because $2 Billion dollars per year is a sizeable portion of their entire economy and primarily enriches the ruler of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak.
One cannot "buy off" Islamic Totalitarians like one can with a corrupt nation state. Hezbollah and other jihadists are motivated by ideology and are willing to blow themselves up to accomplish their goal of worldwide Islamic domination. Cessation of hostilities will only benefit Hezbollah because Hezbollah will declare victory after surviving their attack on Israel. Iran will gain a victory along with its proxy Hezbollah and continue building a nuclear weapons capability unhindered.
I have said for years that the military Center of Gravity for the worldwide Islamic Totalitarian movement is Iran. Just as it was necessary to defeat Germany to defeat Nazism it will be necessary to defeat Iran before we will win the war between Western Civilization and Islamic Totalitarianism.
Jimmy Carter was a weak fool in the 1970's and he is still a weak fool now. I am not the biggest fan of the Bush Administrations foreign policy, but Jimmy Carter is in no position to criticize and should be given no credence. We in Nevada should vote to keep Carter's son out of the U.S. Senate.