I still firmly believe that what Will Rogers said before is just as true today, that, "The only time a man's life, liberty or property are safe is when Congress is NOT in session."
I am willing to actually do something about it. When I get to the Nevada State Assembly, I will enter REPEALS for two bad laws for every new bill I bring to the floor.
I urge all who read this to give me suggestions for bad laws that should be repealed. My opponent mentioned that there is a legislative commitee which is supposed to repeal bad laws. The only example I have found of that commitee repealing anything is when they removed the word idiot from the definition of those who would not be permitted to vote in Nevada. The commitee thought the word idiot too strong a word to describe someone without the mental capacity to participate in the voting process. There are many more laws in the Nevada Revised Statutes that need repealing and many laws that have more impact than a choice of semantics.
Hit the comments with suggestions.